
Showing posts from November, 2022
 WEB OF GRACE Disappointnents, traumas,conflicts rip the fabric of my being lifes not fair  I say cant juggle this disarray but then..... I take heart I see a wisp weaving a matrix of a rejuvenated humanity leaping out..... reaching out to me holding my tattered spirits entrenching in it faith,hope   trappings of empathy compassion drapes my flickering resolve to grapple with dignity trials and tribulations embellished in the journey of life knowing nothing without strife can edify this core clutching the web of human grace I sail out fearless nothing to despair though lifes not fair I row forward        holding tenaciously on to my renewed spirits bitterness disolved remorse wiped out I step afoot on a fresh terrain of undying human support blossoming into love breaking into light that shrouds the darkness of a hopeless morrow of moping sorrow my disillusionments traumas conflicts stand resovled.