
Showing posts from May, 2013


                                                         THE SUN Glowing in full glory Replete with desires,faith and hopes O'SUN YOU RISE ON Heralding a newness of fresh goodness O'SUN YOU RADIATE ON A tireless endeavour To brighten sagging spirits O'SUN YOU REFLECT ON You battle on endless Try not to set O'SUN UNDAUNTED YOU HANG ON You break free Only to rise on another horizon O'SUN YOU SHINE ON But then ALAS! Wisps of ugly moods eclipse Your sheen You  look weak,beaten Please dont be so Do glow Shoo away those devils Swat those erring intruders Emerge gracious Enchanting once again O'SUN GLOW ON O"SUN YOU are every humans pillar of strenght We emulate you Your character to recede And come back brighter than ever To rise radiate,reflect,shine,glow O'SUN>>>>ON AND ON This poem I had written in response to the most alluring photograph of the sun clicked by a very dear freind of mine.the words just p
                                                      Moments Of Now I have..... nowhere to go no destination to persue just want to be in the NOW be it persuance  of a religious endeavour be it immersion  in an intense affection be it manifestation  of an heart wrenching emotion indulge in the NOW be it the inertia  of a overworked body be it the languishing  of a reflective mind be it the wallowing  of a sad heart want to be in the NOW be it the consolation of a restless mate be it the cheering  of a stooping spirit be it the floundering  of a strong will power savor the NOW be it the digestion of a myriad news items be it infusion of undying beauty around be it the perspiration  of the mundane chores relish the NOW be it the execution  of insignificant or significant tasks be it the creation  of wondrous works respond to the NOW be it taming of a wandering distracted mind be it pondering  of a restless