Moments Of Now
I have.....
nowhere to go
no destination to persue
just want to be in the NOW
be it persuance 
of a religious endeavour
be it immersion 
in an intense affection
be it manifestation 
of an heart wrenching emotion
indulge in the NOW
be it the inertia 
of a overworked body
be it the languishing 
of a reflective mind
be it the wallowing 
of a sad heart
want to be in the NOW
be it the consolation
of a restless mate
be it the cheering 
of a stooping spirit
be it the floundering 
of a strong will power
savor the NOW
be it the digestion
of a myriad news items
be it infusion
of undying beauty around
be it the perspiration 
of the mundane chores
relish the NOW
be it the execution 
of insignificant or significant tasks
be it the creation 
of wondrous works
respond to the NOW
be it taming
of a wandering distracted mind
be it pondering 
of a restless searching soul
be it pining 
of a lovers heart
clasp the NOW
be it savoring
of a well brewed beverage
be it relishing
of a painstakingly made meal
nurture theNOW
be it accessing memories
of undying bonds
be itgenerating acts 
of random kindness
cherish the NOw
be it anything
in this labyrinth of existence
there is only the NOW
nowher to go 
no goal to pursue
I will live
only in the NOW
just NOW


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