
Showing posts from January, 2010

aamir khan screwed it up,,this time

perhaps i m d only on who did not take to this film..being a teacher by profession.....wen parents drag their kids to see this film cos it has no A cretification....n kids...d litle ones not the teens watch n enjoy d ragging n d delivery n the balatkar humor...n talk of it without really figuring what it is ...its sad....they r their households serious topics like suicide n educational discuss n kind of told that its ok to disrespect your profs n teachers..without really discerning n segregating...then its not in good spit=rit n dont get what ..aamir n group is trying to convey its a purely for adults to see n chew n ponder n abring about changes...making a ....idiot out of a scholarly anothe rform of ragging by students who dont want to adher e to norms n belive me this is written by a very mischievous n fun loving person...who has been an errant student n now a very di feffernt kind of a teacher....very objectively viewing n thinki


Freindship without strings romance and no conditions....just momentous moments that extend glee n excitement ...just like Santa Claus does.....for us a miracle that will manifest for just the way it is....lets look out for a Christmas like that every month, not just in wish for this 2010 that jingle bells will keep ringing in everyones lives bringing joy and hope and pure friendships enduring for eons to come.


Making a film ...Dil Khush Hai Aaj Mera......made my day and generated in my heart immense happiness because I interacted with real people n real was what people felt and what I wanted in this world...I wanted to give happiness,contentment n peace and take in return peoples genuine offerings...and the people actually have given and continue to give all that they artificiality.....all subjects of my film are still in touch and they care and caring is what we are all looking for isnt?? no pressures to perform and excel ...just give of ourselves and receive. without conditions ..its high time we promote this culture versus consumerism n competition....pure unadulterated happiness n peace....a very minute attempt on my part to cut selfishnesss and self centredness and connect with humanity and the attempt continues...


just thought if only people cud hear heart stirrings rather than follow mind manipulations we would have happier people to interact .....just like kids do..they follow their hearts n then adults coerce them into mind orders n then u see alll the happiness n wonderment sad is that?????.....lets all get on that heart wagon then be sales men on wheels ..


What makes me happy ..very happy is when I get up in the morning and read stories of ordinary citizens doing extraordinary feats that impact lives of common people..and these stories are highlighted and glorified and they stare at our faces in place of the nothingness of other features that occupy space for the sake of filling space in the print media.....for eg The Story of Nilesh Patil on 2nd dec..who averted major railway mishap in Mumbai by spotting a rail fracture ...with his keen sense of observation and then informing the authorities in the nick of time to stop crowded peak hour local from passing over the broken track and thus saving hundeds of lives ...a major tragedy was stemmed only becos of this everyday common taveller who had an hawks is greatness to me n brings hope and happiness to my life.


Today the day I start blogging with a renewed inspiration after reading my guru...Cyrus Merchant's heart felt message for 2010...this year may some true talent crash through the cordon of paid for marketing and come in front of us public with rawness.We need songs and movies and writings and paintings that are true to their voice.It is the need because art even though it imatates life it also reduces the painful sting of it. Today onwards everyday of the New Year lets wear the garment of praise and put on faith like our morning clothes, spray hope and walk in love before we set out. I trulybelive that the above elements can manifest in our lives miracles unforseen and this world can be made a better place if we wow to be more giving in terms of talents n services....and not hanker after imaginary frills of life that spell doom... if only we open our minds to receive n give ....immense beauty around can take rebirth.....peace n love all.