aamir khan screwed it up,,this time

perhaps i m d only on who did not take to this film..being a teacher by profession.....wen parents drag their kids to see this film cos it has no A cretification....n kids...d litle ones not the teens watch n enjoy d ragging n d delivery n the balatkar humor...n talk of it without really figuring what it is ...its sad....they r given...in their households serious topics like suicide n educational presure..to discuss n kind of told that its ok to disrespect your profs n teachers..without really discerning n segregating...then its not in good spit=rit n intentions....kids dont get what ..aamir n group is trying to convey its a purely for adults to see n chew n ponder n abring about changes...making a ....idiot out of a scholarly boy.....is anothe rform of ragging by students who dont want to adher e to norms n belive me this is written by a very mischievous n fun loving person...who has been an errant student n now a very di feffernt kind of a teacher....very objectively viewing n thinking whether d film three idiots is really worth alllthat hype n buzz..it a superbe entertainer..in a twisted way n most humans love twisted humor...it gives them a superior edge..to ridicule n poke fun....but r we reaaly achiving..the motive by it being viewed by very young kids.....its wrong....very very wrong..i m sad 2day....did not expect this from aamir....my idol


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