Today the day I start blogging with a renewed inspiration after reading my guru...Cyrus Merchant's heart felt message for 2010...this year may some true talent crash through the cordon of paid for marketing and come in front of us public with rawness.We need songs and movies and writings and paintings that are true to their voice.It is the need because art even though it imatates life it also reduces the painful sting of it. Today onwards everyday of the New Year lets wear the garment of praise and put on faith like our morning clothes, spray hope and walk in love before we set out. I trulybelive that the above elements can manifest in our lives miracles unforseen and this world can be made a better place if we wow to be more giving in terms of talents n services....and not hanker after imaginary frills of life that spell doom... if only we open our minds to receive n give ....immense beauty around can take rebirth.....peace n love all.


  1. A wonderful thought for the New Year and I truly hope that it catches on like an epidemic


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