
Showing posts from April, 2022

Lady's Day Out

 Gripped last two years in the throes of a never ending pandemic,for folks like me it was an insane period.Before the corona era I would trot to faraway venues just to catch an invigorating play ,a musical concert ,a book reading or a poetry open mic etc.Having absolutely no diet of such creative activities my mind had gone limp and a debilitating ennui had set in.So when I got to know of this play 'We Are Hiring' showing at Veda Factory Art Studio I grabbed the opportunity and travelled two hours up and two hours back to watch it.An evening I relished and will cherish because it offered the trappings of a good play with the well written script, acting and a  powerful hard hitting message.My hunger for a pulsating ambience of a theater space was met and I felt rekindled for my own creative pursuit of poetry writing since what seems like a decade of decay just staying put at home courtesy the covid.


MY BEING    My love its you nothing but you That permeates my being Whatever I gaze at I feel the halo of your presence With my every step I take along your essence My love its u I seek My life seems bleak Come to me this moment To savour in the ascent Of my rising passion Shower compassion My love its you I yearn for Every second, minute, n hour You penetrate my thoughts In your memories I am caught You stimulate my thinking Forever rekindling My love resurging To reach your heart For times we are apart So come to me To feel, To be Without you Life is mundane I live in vain Everything else let it be You be there for me I'm waiting Just missing Your every fibre That weaves my being. 


Life: Meaning you give to yourself only . Time you spent finding yourself . Rest all is worldly misgivings.


 The heart skips a beat   It flutters in anticipation  It runs amok  It pulsates excitedly  It falls in love  It pines LONGINGLY But most of all The heart scars deeply!!


 Pain is it releived?   No never It is visible When with our emotional shovel We dig into our bitter experience   We come face to face with our Pain  Pain I see you Your visible in my tears When they flow uninvited!!!