Lady's Day Out

 Gripped last two years in the throes of a never ending pandemic,for folks like me it was an insane period.Before the corona era I would trot to faraway venues just to catch an invigorating play ,a musical concert ,a book reading or a poetry open mic etc.Having absolutely no diet of such creative activities my mind had gone limp and a debilitating ennui had set in.So when I got to know of this play 'We Are Hiring' showing at Veda Factory Art Studio I grabbed the opportunity and travelled two hours up and two hours back to watch it.An evening I relished and will cherish because it offered the trappings of a good play with the well written script, acting and a  powerful hard hitting message.My hunger for a pulsating ambience of a theater space was met and I felt rekindled for my own creative pursuit of poetry writing since what seems like a decade of decay just staying put at home courtesy the covid.


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